[ad_1] The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has directed mutual funds to act against dubious Telegram or social media groups posing as asset managers or associates created to con investors. The capital markets regulator said in a communication to the industry on November 30, Telegram is rife with...
After Delhi HC order, Telegram discloses details of users sharing infringing material, Legal News, ET LegalWorld – Legal Firms
[ad_1] Pursuant to the Delhi High Court judgment of August 30 that courts in India can direct a messaging app to disclose the information of infringers, Telegram -- an instant messaging application -- has finally handed over the copies to the court.The said data, which is in the form of...
Delhi HC asks Telegram to disclose identity of those sharing Dainik Jagran’s e-paper, Legal News, ET LegalWorld – Legal Firms
[ad_1] The Delhi High Court has directed instant messaging application Telegram to comply with its 2020 order asking it to disclose the Basic Subscriber Information of the users involved in unauthorisedly uploading and sharing the ePaper (PDF) -- which can be accessed only after subscription -- of Dainik Jagran newspaper...
SC, Legal News, ET LegalWorld – Legal Firms
[ad_1] NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Thursday said that it wants to institutionalise the live streaming process so that there is a uniform platform where courts across the country can webcast their proceedings.The top court said though it has started the process, a proper system needs to be put...