[ad_1] The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has directed mutual funds to act against dubious Telegram or social media groups posing as asset managers or associates created to con investors. The capital markets regulator said in a communication to the industry on November 30, Telegram is rife with...
Sebi forms a high-level panel to review corporate takeover rules, Legal News, ET LegalWorld – Legal Firms
[ad_1] India's capital markets regulator has formed a high-level panel to review corporate takeover rules, the first such anticipated overhaul in more than a decade, as Asia's third-biggest economy seeks to establish a contemporary M&A regime that bakes in momentous changes spawned by the Global Financial Crisis and the emergence...
Google may challenge CCI verdicts; Prosus says Swiggy, PayU showing strong growth, Legal News, ET LegalWorld – Legal Firms
[ad_1] A month ago, the Competition Commission of India fined Google twice in quick succession for abusing its market dominance with Android and its Play Store billing system. The tech giant has flagged these verdicts as “priority” and may soon mount a challenge, sources aware of the matter told us.Also...