HC asks jail authorities of procedure for dealing with video call requests with prisoners, Legal News, ET LegalWorld – Legal Firms


(Eds: Changing word in headline) New Delhi, The Delhi High Court has directed the Tihar Jail authorities to inform the procedure of dealing with requests for setting up video calls with prisoners and whether the Aadhaar cards furnished for the purpose were verified by them.

The court posed the questions while dealing with a claim by an accused in a kidnapping case that the victim was trying to contact him by requesting video calls in jail on several occasions.

The high court was informed that the person who requested for arranging a video call with the accused identified herself as the victim woman. But the Aadhaar number furnished for the purpose belonged to a man.

Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma said it was a matter of serious concern if the victim in a kidnapping case was trying to set up a video call and requesting for virtual meeting with the accused on several occasions. The allegation was denied by the woman, who was present in the court.

The court said it could mean that someone has used the fake name of the woman to set up a video call with the accused.

“If it be found to be true, in serious offences, anyone may misuse such a facility to the detriment of prosecution and the country,” the court said.

It ordered the Tihar jail superintendent to inform it of the procedure regarding how the request for setting up video calls were dealt with by the authorities

The court asked whether any record of such video call was maintained and for how much duration. It asked whether the Aadhaar cards furnished by the person requesting the setting up of a virtual meeting by a video call were verified by the jail authorities.

The court told the authorities to preserve the records of video calls mentioned by the accused or any other calls made thereafter and also give it to the investigating officer and the court.

The documents furnished for setting up of video calls and the details pertaining to the request received for those calls will also be provided to the investigating officer to the court, the judge said, while listing the matter for January 19. PTI SKV HMB


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